Dmitrii Nosov
1 min read


  • web
Table of contents:

This project is open source:

Run local: bundle exec jekyll serve
Compile sass: sass --watch sass/custom.scss sass/custom.css
Update gemfile: bundle install


This website is based on jekyll, so simple theme and hosted by Github. Jekyll is a website generator using markdown files.


Colors are custom and defined in custom.scss. There are small style tweaks in scss. Scss can been compiled by sass --watch sass/custom.scss sass/custom.css. --watch flag will recompile files on changes.

Build, deploy and access

All site can be build and launch locally by bundle exec jekyll serve. It will also rebuild all changed files without server restart. Jekyll is using rubby. All changes in gemfile must been applied using bundle install.

Local website can be accessed on http://localhost:4000/ if bundle exec jekyll serve is running. Global version will be deployed automatically by Github to


MathJax can be used for LaTex rendering. If so, following script must been added on top of file with math:

layout: ...
title:  ...
date:   ...
categories: ...
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async

For example, $$x = {\frac{1}{n^{2}}}$$ will be rendered as \(x = {\frac{1}{n^{2}}}\). All formula must be surrounded with $$. To prevent rendering, you can surround formula with `.